The student appeals process is essentially the same for appealing course grades, graduate committee decisions, and Psychology Faculty actions such as termination of support or from the Program. Course grade appeals should first be discussed with the course instructor. Graduate committee actions should first be discussed with the major professor and, if necessary, the student’s entire graduate committee. Experimental Psychology Program actions should first be discussed with the Director. The general process of appeal is outlined below:
- The student must first attempt to resolve the problem with the responsible faculty member(s) as noted above.
- If discussions between the student and the responsible faculty member(s) do not resolve the problem to the satisfaction of the student, the student should then bring the problem to the Experimental Psychology Program Director (if not already involved). The Director will attempt to resolve the problem through discussion with the student and the responsible faculty member, calling on advice from other members of the faculty as necessary and appropriate. This may include a meeting of the student’s committee or the entire Experimental Psychology Faculty.
- If the problem is still not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student will be referred to the Department Head. The Head will attempt to resolve the problem through discussion with the student and the responsible faculty member, with advice from other faculty. This may include a meeting of the student’s committee, the Experimental faculty, or the entire Psychology faculty.
- If the problem is still not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student will be referred to the Dean of the Graduate School.