Jacob Levy
Jacob Levy
Associate Professor
Keywords: Performance Psychology, Personality Assessment, and Talent Development
Ph.D., Indiana University (2002)
Research statement
My program of research involves the intersection of personal characteristics with environmental demands, especially as it relates to career development, multicultural counseling, and counseling gifted and talented populations. I identify as an applied personality researcher. Within that area, I primarily study of the Big Five Personality Factors and select narrow personality traits (most notably Self-Directed Learning, Sense of Identity, and Work Drive) in relation to career and educational satisfaction and performance. I also have a keen interest in the sub-culture of the gifted and talented. Within the gifted and talented domain, I have a special passion for studying issues related to the health and well-being of athletes and performing artists.
- 2004 Recipient of the Mensa Educational & Research Foundation Award for Excellence in Research
- American Psychological Association CEMRRAT Grant for Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training (2004). [co-PI]
- Levy, J.J., & Spurgeon, S. (in press). Addressing client diversity throughout the diagnostic process. In B. Flamez & J.C. Watson (Eds.), A counselor’s guide to diagnosing and treating children and adolescents with DSM 5 disorders.
- Mallinckrodt, B., Miles, J.R., & Levy, J.J. (in press). The scientist practitioner advocate model: Addressing contemporary training needs for social justice advocacy. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
- Cannon, R.L., Baldwin, D.R., Diloreto, D.J., Philips, S.T., Shaw, T.L., & Levy, J.J. (in press). LORETA neurofeedback in the precuneus: Operant conditioning in basic mechanisms of self-regulation. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Sundstrom, E., Levy, J.J., & Gibson, L.W. (2014). Distinctive personality traits of information technology professionals. Computer and Information Science, 7, 17-27.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Loveland, J.L., Gibson, L.W., & Levy, J.J. (2014). Distinct personality traits of quality control personnel. The TQM Journal, 26, 510-521.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Foster, N.A., Levy, J.J., & Gibson, L.W. (2014). Key personality traits of sales managers. Work, 48, 239-253.
- Levy, J.J., Statham, W.J., & VanDoren, L. (2013). BMI changes among marching artists: A longitudinal study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 28, 236-241.
- Owens, K.S., Kirwan, J.R., Lounsbury, J.W., Levy, J.J., & Gibson, L.W. (2013). Personality correlates of self-employed small business owners’ success. Work, 45, 73-85.
- López, R.L., & Levy, J.J. (2013). Student-athletes’ perceived barriers to and preferences for seeking counseling. Journal of College Counseling, 16, 19-31.
- Neydenova, I.N., Lounsbury, J.W., Levy, J.J., & Kim, J.Y. (2012). Distinctive big five and narrow personality traits of psychology majors. Individual Differences Research, 10, 129-140
- Mollen, D., Smith, N.G., Levy, J.J., & Magyar-Moe, J.L. (2012). Privilege and belonging: The quest to make the Society of Counseling Psychology more welcoming. The Counseling Psychologist, 40, 856-867.
- mith, N.G., Keller, B.K., Mollen, D., Bledsoe, M. Buhin, L., Edwards, L.M., Levy, J.J., Magyar-Moe, J.L., & Yakushko, O. (2012). Voices of early career psychologists in Division 17, the Society of Counseling Psychology. The Counseling Psychologist [Major Contribution], 40, 794-825.
- ones, T., Moore, T., Levy, J.J., Daffron, S., Browder, J.H., Allen, L., Passik, S.D. (2012). A comparison of various risk screening methods in predicting discharge from opioid treatment. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 28, 93-100.
- Levy, J.J., Richardson, J.D., Lounsbury, J.W., Stewart, D., Gibson, L.W., & Drost, A.W. (2011). Personality and career satisfaction of accounting professionals. Individual Differences Research, 9, 238-249.
- Levy, J.J., & Lounsbury, J.W. (2011). Big Five personality traits and performance anxiety in relation to marching arts satisfaction. Work, 40, 297-302.
- Levy, J.J., Castille, C.M., & Farley, J.A. (2011). An investigation of musical performance anxiety in the marching arts. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 26, 9-13.
- Levy, J.J., Lounsbury, J.W., & Kent, K.N. (2009). Big five personality traits and marching music injuries. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 24, 135-140.
- , J. W., Fisher, L. A., Levy, J. J., & Welsh, D. A. (2009). An investigation of character strengths in relation to life satisfaction and academic performance of college students. Individual Differences Research, 7, 52-69.
- ry, J. W., Levy, J. J., Park, S., Gibson, L. W., & Smith, R. (2009). An investigation of the construct validity of the personality trait of self-directed learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 19, 411-418.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Smith, R. J.W., Levy, J.J., Leong, F.T., & Gibson, L.W. (2009). Personality characteristics of business majors as defined by the Big Five and narrow personality traits. Journal of Education for Business, 84, 200-205.
- Nash, M. R., Perez, N., Tasso, A., & Levy, J. J. (2009). Clinical research on the utility of hypnosis in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of medical and psychiatric disorders. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 57, 443-450.
- Ferguson, T.M., Leach, M.M., Levy, J.J., Nicholson, B.C., & Johnson, J.D. (2008). Influences on counselor race preferences: Distinguishing black racial attitudes from black racial identity. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 36, 66-76.
- Levy, J.J., & Plucker, J.A. (2008). A multicultural competence model for counseling gifted and talented children. Journal of School Counseling, 6 (4), 1-47.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Richardson, J.D., Saudargus, R.A., & Levy, J.J. (2008). An investigation of extracurricular activities in relation to sense of identity of college freshmen. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 15, 47-55.
- Nash, M. R., Levy, J. J., Tasso, A., & Perez, N. (2008). Neurophysiological attributes of the hypnotic state and the utility of hypnosis in pediatric medicine and burn care. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 56, 463-469.
- Pseekos, A.C., Dahlen, E.R., & Levy, J.J. (2008). Development of the Academic Stereotype Threat Inventory. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 41, 2-12.
- Leach, M.M., Levy, J.J., & Denton, L.C.(2007). Variant uses of religious beliefs to justify social attitudes. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 17, 197-220.
- J., Gee, C., & Johnson, J. (2007). Clinical assessment of ethnic minority children and adolescents. In S.R. Smith, & L. Handler (Eds.) The clinical assessment of children and adolescents: A practitioner’s handbook. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Inc.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Levy, J.J., Leong, F.T.L., & Gibson, L.W. (2007). Identity and personality: The Big Five and narrow traits in relation to sense of identity. Identity, 7, 51-70.
- Lounsbury, J.W., Levy, J.J., Saudargus, R.A., & Gibson, L.W. (2006). Big Five personality traits and outcomes for first-year college students. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 14, 62-70.
- vy, J.J., Thompson-Leonardelli, K., Smith, N.G., Coleman, M.N. (2005). Attrition after intake at a university counseling center: Relationship among client race, presenting concern, and time on a waiting list. Journal of College Counseling, 8, 106-115.
- Levy, J.J., & Plucker, J.A. (2003). Assessing the psychological presentation of gifted and talented clients: A multicultural perspective. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16, 229-247.
- Plucker, J.A., & Levy, J.J. (2001). The downside to being talented. American Psychologist, 56, 75-76.