Joel Lubar
Joel Lubar
Professor Emeritus
Key words: EEG, biofeedback, attention deficit disorder, epilepsy, hyperactivity, cognitive function, quantitative EEG analysis.
Ph.D., University of Chicago (1963)
Research Interests
EEG biofeedback and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; attention deficit disorder; quantitative EEG and ADHD; quantitative EEG and cognitive processes; enhancement of learning through EEG biofeedback, effects of auditory and visual stimulation on complex processes; cerebral blood flow and complex cognitive function.
Research statement
In the early 1970s, we developed a methodology based on EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) for decreasing hyperactivity in children. Since then we have refined this approach based on decreasing excessive EEG theta and/or alpha activity and increasing beta activity to facilitate the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adults. We have published more than 25 journal articles and book chapters and a book (Behavioral Approaches to Neurology, Academic Press, 1981) showing that EEG biofeedback can be highly effective for treatment of ADHD and seizure disorder. Our work has been replicated by more than 800 clinics and research organizations. We are currently interested in the neurological basis of complex cognitive processes and the enhancement of attention in non ADD/HD populations and the relationship of frontal cortical blood flow and complex cognition.
- Fellow, New York Academy of Sciences
- UTK Chancellor’s Faculty Research Scholar
- ecutive Board, Biofeedback Society of America
- ard, Biofeedback Certification Institute of America
- Biofeedback Pioneer Award, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
- President, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (1996-1997)
- President, EEG Division of AABP (1998-2000)
- President, International Society for Neuronal Regulation (2003-2004)
- Cole Foundation (1984-1986; 1988-1989; 2002)
- Tennessee Department of Education, Title IX-C Demonstration Grant (1986)
Cannon, R., Lubar, J.F., Congedo, M., Thornton, K.A., Gerke, A., Kelsay, B. Higdon, .A., Towler, K., & Hutchens, T.A. (2007). The effects of neurofeedback training in the cognitive division of the anterior cingulate gyrus. International Journal of Neuroscience, 117, 337-357.
Angelakis, E., Stathopoulou, S., Frimyiare, J.L., Green, D.L., Lubar, J.F., Kounios, J. (2007). EEG neurofeedback: A brief overview and an example of peak alpha frequency training for cognitive enhancement in the elderly. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 21, 110- 129.
Cannon, R. Lubar, J.F., Gerke, A., Thornton, K.L., Hutchens, T.A., & McCammon, V. (2006). EEG spectral–power and coherence: LORETA neurofeedback training in the anterior cingulate gyrus. Journal of Neuronal Therapy, 10, 5-31.
White, J. N., Hutchens, T. A., & Lubar, J. F. (2005). Quantitative EEG assessment during neuropsychological task performance in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Adult Development, 12, 113-121.
Monastra, V. J., Lynn, S., Linden, M., Lubar, J. F., Gruzelier, J., & LaVaque, T. J. (2005). Electroencephalographic biofeedback in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 30, 95-114.
Angelakis, E., Lubar, J. F., Stathopoulou, S., & Kounios, J. (2004). Peak alpha frequency: An electroencephalographic measure of cognitive preparedness. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115, 887-897.
Lubar, J.F., Congedo, M., Askew, J. (2003). Low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) of cerebral activity in chronic depressive disorder. International Journal of Psychophysiology 49, 175-185.
Lubar, J.F. (2003). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In D. Moss, A. McGrady, T. Davies, I. Wickramasekera (Eds), Handbook of Mind-Body Medicine for Primary Care. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Lubar, J.F. (2003). Neurofeedback for the management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders. In M. Schwartz and F. Andrasik (Eds), Biofeedback: A Practioner’s Guide. New York: Guilford.
Angelakis, E., Lubar, J.F. (2002) Quantitative electroencephalography amplitude measures in young adults during reading tasks and rest. Journal of Neurotherapy 6, 2-16.
Lubar, J.F. (2001) Rationale for choosing bipolar versus referential training. Journal of Neuropathy 4, 94-97.
Monastra, V.J., Lubar, J.F., Linden, M.K. (2001) The development of a quantitative electroencephalographic scanning process for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Reliability and validity studies. Neuropsychology 15, 136-144.
Angelakis, E., Lubar, J.F., Frederick, J., Stathopoulou, S. (2001) The role of slow-wave EEG activity in reading. Journal of Neurotherapy 5, 5-25.
Blum, K., Braverman, E.R., Holder, J.M., Gardner, E.L., Lubar, J.F., Monastra, V.J., Miller, D., Finely, O.I., & Comings, D.E. (2000). Reward deficiency syndrome (RDS): A biogenetic model for the diagnosis and treatment of impulsive, addictive and compulsive behaviors. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 32(Suppl), 1-112.
Lubar, J.F. (2000). Proper development of protocols for neurotherapy. Journal of Neurotherapy, 4, 1-3.