Mark Hector
Mark Hector (deceased)
Professor Emeritus
Shaw, M. E., & Hector, M. A. (2010). Listening to military members returning from Iraq and/or Afghanistan: A phenomenological investigation. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41, 128-134.
Hector, M. A., & Hector, J. E. (2010). Walt Whitman, nursing, and phenomenology. In L. Embree, M. Barber & T. J. Nenon (Eds.), PHENOMENOLOGY 2010, vol. 5: Selected Essays from North America. Part 2: Phenomenology beyond Philosophy (pp. 163-176). Bucharest: Zeta Books.
Logue, C. T., Hutchens, T. A., & Hector, M. A. (2005). Student leadership: A phenomenological exploration of postsecondary experiences. Journal of College Student Development, 46, 393-407.
Zakrzewski, R. F., & Hector, M. A. (2004). The lived experience of alcohol addiction: Men of Alcoholics Anonymous. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 25, 1-17.
Hector, M.A. (2003). Phenomenology, research and counseling psychology. Tennessee Education 32-33, 25-31.
Hector, M.A., Fray, J.S. (1987) The counseling process, client expectations, and cultural influences: a review. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling 10: 237-247.
Fray, J.S., Hector, M.A. (1987) The assertive-aggressive distinction and the cross-cultural perspective. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling 10: 103-110.
Wycoff, J.P., Davis, K.L., Hector, M.A., Meara, N.M. (1982) A language analysis of empathic responding to client anger. Journal of Counseling Psychology 29: 462-467.