Freeberg Co-Edited Issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London

Freeberg Co-Edited Issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Todd Freeberg, professor of psychology, co-edited a special issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, the oldest continually running science journal in the world.
The special issue is on the behavior and ecology of mixed-species animal groups and involves contributions from Freeberg and two former students: Brittany Coppinger (PhD, psychology, ’21) and Shannon Eppert (BS, EEB, ’16).
“It is surprising to most people, but mixed-species groups are common throughout the world,” Freeberg said. “Even though these groups have been studied for decades, articles on the topic have traditionally been published in species-specific journals.”
This special issue brings together researchers with approaches ranging from comparative psychology to community ecology and study subjects including insects, fish, birds, and mammals. Greater focus on mixed-species groups will increase our knowledge of behavioral and ecological processes influencing individuals.
Browse the special issue online here.